In English
Find out if you qualify for the next Chief Procurement Officer Summit

This year’s Chief Procurement Officer Summit will be held at the Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV on October 4-5, 2018 and will highlight the current challenges and opportunities through visionary conference sessions and keynote presentations delivered by your most esteemed peers and thought leaders from North America’s leading corporations. For the full program visit: […]

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In Spanish
La UE y Japón firman el Acuerdo de Asociación Económica

En la cumbre EU-Japón celebrada en Tokio, los presidentes Jean-Claude Juncker y Donald Tusk, y el primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, han firmado hoy el Acuerdo de Asociación Económica (AAE) UE-Japón. Se trata del acuerdo comercial más amplio negociado por la UE hasta ahora, que establecerá una zona de libre comercio que abarca a […]

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In Dutch
EU en Japan ondertekenen economische partnerschapsovereenkomst

Op de in Tokio gehouden top EU-Japan hebben voorzitter Jean-Claude Juncker, voorzitter Donald Tusk en de Japanse premier Shinzo Abe vandaag de economische partnerschapsovereenkomst (EPO) tussen de EU en Japan ondertekend. De handelsovereenkomst is de grootste waarover de EU ooit heeft onderhandeld en zal een openhandelszone met meer dan 600 miljoen mensen creëren. Jean-Claude Juncker, […]

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In English
EU and Japan sign Economic Partnership Agreement including public procurement

At the EU-Japan summit in Tokyo, Presidents Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, signed today the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The trade agreement is the biggest ever negotiated by the EU and will create an open trade zone covering over 600 million people. President of the European Commission Jean-Claude […]

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